2021: Cartons Road, Gordon. Central Highlands Water Bluegum Plantation, Koalas

2021: Cartons Road, Gordon

Koalas are still a common sight around the town but sadly now part of their habitat is under threat at the Blue Gum plantation north of Gordon on a site owned by Central Highlands Water (CHW). The Blue Gum plantation on the north west corner of Cartons Rd and the Western Freeway is planned to be harvested. While the plantation is only about 16 hectares, it is an important habitat for Koalas and other wildlife. Koalas like eating Blue Gum leaves and travel to this area using the relative safety of the highway overpass at Cartons Rd, to access both sides of the Western Freeway. Dedicated native animal crossings (installed in elsewhere around the state) are non-existent on the Western Freeway at Gordon, making this overpass and plantation critical to the current Koala population as a vital link to remaining forested areas to the North and South.